SquiggleDAO Tools

Create a Video
Choose your file format. For most use cases, the MP4 video is better. But for instant messages, sometimes the GIF gives better results.
  • Smaller files will render faster and be easier to share.
  • Larger files will have more detail and be better for larger screens.
  • Video encoding uses a lot or RAM and larger files may not render on mobile devices.
Animated GIF
Mp4 Video
Squiggle Background Editor
The following tool allows you to generate Squiggle images at different resolutions and with different color backgrounds. You can also select transparent to remove the background altogether. The files generated are PNGs.
Please be aware that different software treats transparent images differently and it can depend on your platform. For example, Telegram on iOS will render a transparent squiggle as a sticker, preserving transparency, while Telegram on desktop will not.